New Survey – Adults & Ageing with Fragile X Syndrome

  • By Edie Ballantyne

CDS and Fragile X Association Australia are thrilled to unveil our Survey for Adults & Ageing with Fragile X Syndrome. We invite family members and support teams to participate. Your input is invaluable! Closes 17 June.

Fragile X Care | Adults & Ageing is the first Australian study on the support needs, health & wellbeing of adults with Fragile X syndrome as they age. The study is supported by a philanthropic grant.

Our shared goal is ambitious – to enhance quality of life for adults with Fragile X syndrome as they age.

First of all, we need to gather information that will help us:
1.    Build a picture of the current and future needs of adults with Fragile X syndrome in Australia
2.    Understand any gaps in supports or services
3.    Create free online education resources for disability, aged care & health teams about Fragile X syndrome
4.   Advocate for policy and practice developments across relevant support and care settings.


You can learn more about the surveys and participate below:

Click Here to Learn More about the Family Survey

Click Here to Learn More about the Support Staff Survey