Our Awards

uni 2 beyond is a multi-award winning initiative. We were awarded the Excellence in Education & Training award at the 2017 National Disability Awards. We also won the 2017 NSW Disability Industry Innovation Award in the category Leadership in Community Accessibility and Inclusion and be honoured to be named Innovative Practice on Inclusive Education and ICT in 2016 and 2020 by the Zero Project at the United Nations Office, Vienna.

Shaping Australia Award Nomination

The uni 2 beyond programme has been nominated as a finalist for the Shaping Australia Awards in the Community Champion category. Click the link below to learn more!


ABC Interview

Click the button above to listen to the ABC interviewing CDS CEO Mary-Ann O’Donovan, alumni Ben Dominish and student Bruce O’Brien about the uni 2 beyond programme.


uni 2 beyond partners

Amy Ruth, CEO of MIEngineers about the uni 2 beyond program

uni 2 beyond mentors

Van, a mentor of the uni 2 beyond program


Creating Futures

Benchmark Estimating Software