About Josephine

Josephine is a passionate researcher who has worked in the field of brain injury rehabilitation and health service research since 2015. Josephine has worked in numerous research roles for organisations such as NSW Health, The Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research, The Agency for Clinical Innovation and The University of Wollongong primarily in the fields of cognitive disability, Australian health system evaluation and mental health.

Josephine is passionate about creating equality within the Australian healthcare system for people with intellectual disability and is planning to embark on Doctoral studies with CDS in 2024 within the field.

In Josephine’s spare time she is usually by the beach with a coffee and her two young children Estelle and Lincoln and pug Lilly.

Contact Josephine at josephine.wyborn@cds.org.au


BSocSc (Psychology), MRes


Kevin Walsh Award for the most outstanding masters student – Australasian Society for the Study of brain Impairment (AASBI) 6th Pacific Rim Conference 2021