About the Centre

CDS is proud to be part of the consortium for the National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health (NCEIDH).

CDS has partnered with core members of the consortium led by UNSW to address major health inequalities for people with intellectual disability in Australia.

Built on an innovative and comprehensive model that includes shared governance with people with intellectual disability, their families, and advocates, the Centre will ensure improved health outcomes for people with intellectual disability through the advocacy, clinical and research experience of its members.

Watch the video by 3DN below to learn more about the Centre and its goals.

Consortium Members

Centre for Disability Studies (CDS)

CDS is a non-profit organisation affiliated with the University of Sydney.

Council for Intellectual Disability (CID)

CID is a disability rights organisation led by people with intellectual disability in Australia.


3DN is a research organisation focused on improving health and wellbeing standards for people with intellectual or developmental disability. 3DN are based at UNSW Sydney.

Down Syndrome Australia

Down Syndrome Australia represent and progress the needs, interests and aspirations of people with Down syndrome and those that support them.

First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDNA)

FPDNA is a national human rights organisation of and for Australia's first people with disability, their families and communities.


Mater is a non-profit ministry of Mercy Partners, working across health, education and research to improve decision-making in health.


QDN is a disability and rights advocacy state-wide organisation of, by, and for people with diverse disability.

Telethon Kids Institute

The Telethon Kids Institute is a medical research organisation that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of children through excellence in research.

University of Melbourne (Unimelb)

Unimelb is a public research university based in Melbourne, Australia.

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CDS' Role in the Centre

About the Project

Project Title

National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health (NCEIDH)



Australian Federal Government – Department of Health and Aged Care


Project Summary

CDS is working with the National Centre of Excellence to establish a national curriculum that promotes inclusive research. This means that lived-experience researchers and academic researchers will have training to ensure that research is accessible. For lived-experience researchers, this includes training on data collection, data analysis and so on. For academic researchers, this training will involve ways to promote inclusivity and strategies to ensure that the research process remains accessible for researchers with intellectual disability.


CDS and the NCEIDH Team

NCEIDH Project Team

Mary-Ann O'Donovan

CEO, Associate Professor of Disability Studies

Morag Kelly

Inclusive Research and Practice Officer

Josephine Wyborn

NCoE Researcher

Dr Erin Whittle

Post-Doctoral Researcher