The IRN is Recruiting New Members for 2024!

The Inclusive Research Network is looking for new members to join for 2024.

If you are interested in joining the IRN, please send us an email at with your name, and why you want to join the IRN.

You can download and share the recruitment flyer and easy read version below.

Inclusive Research Network

The Inclusive Research Network (IRN) at CDS is a group of people with and without intellectual disability who do research together.

That means that people with intellectual disability work together with people without intellectual disability on topics they find important and that affect them in their lives.

For us, doing research means choosing topics that are important in the lives of people with intellectual disability.

What does the IRN Do?

Then we talk with people in interviews or send them questionnaires to find out information about the topics. We work on things like:

  •     Disability rights
  •     Advocacy
  •     Inclusion
  •     Disability services
  •     Health and more

We also share our work with other people by presenting at conferences in Australia and overseas. This way other people find out about our work and we can learn from each other.

Another way of sharing what we do is by writing articles about our work and publishing them.

At our meetings we talk about the topics we work on, have discussions, listen to each other, socialise and have fun. It is a great way to meet new people and make new friends.

We meet on every 2nd Thursday of the month at CDS. If you would like to join send an email to

IRN Projects

Our Current Project


The Inclusive Research Network at CDS have worked together to do a project about people with intellectual disability supporting their peers with their mental health. We are developing a program for people with intellectual disability by people with intellectual disability. This program will help people learn how to support their friends and peers with their mental health.



We co-designed a project, using inclusive mixed methods.



We are still doing the project, but check back for regular updates!



This will help other people who would like to do this kind of research. It will also help people with their mental health.

Our Past Projects

The IRN have done projects on a wide range of topics.  Below is a timeline of our projects.

IRN Team


IRN co-facilitator


IRN co-facilitator